The people of the District have been kindly donating items to the present Society and its predecessors since 1977. These are stored in Archival conditions and are open for viewing by society members and members of the public free of charge. Most of our items relate to Collingham and consist of copies and original documents and maps also a range of research reports and presentations largely prepared by our members. Members of the public can visit and view our archives when the Jubilee Room is open. We welcome further donations! Please contact the Archivist, Deputy Archivist or Chair via the Contact Us page.

Please see the side panel on our Home page for up-to-date opening times.
Society Members or external researchers and donors can request access outside of these times at the discretion of the Archivist or Chair. The main limiting factor is likely to be the availability of our staff to assist you. Most of our current content relates to Collingham its buildings and families.
Space is limited so unfortunately we cannot allow pets, food, drink or pushchairs etc inside the premises. Wheelchair access is dependent on the width of the wheelchair in relation to the doors.
If you need help with your own research please do not hesitate to contact us or come along to the Jubilee Room for a chat or to peruse our Archive (please check the current opening times). If we are closed please contact our Senior or Deputy Archivists via our Contact Us page.